The Seven Best Booths at TEFAF New York 2022
ARTnews lists Donald Ellis Gallery’s presentation of historical Native American art as one of the seven best booths at TEFAF New York Spring 2022
ca. 1875-78
ink, graphite and coloured pencil on lined paper
height: 8"
width: 10 ¾"
Inventory # P4445
Inscribed "Indian Prisoners Standing from Ft. Sill"
Although Ledger Drawings had occasionally been sold or traded with locally stationed members of the U.S. Army, a comprehensive commercialization of Ledger Art was fully realized with a group of exceptional drawings created between 1875-78 at Fort Marion, in St. Augustine, Florida. Provided with paper, crayon, watercolour and ink, approximately twenty-six Native American prisoners were encouraged to create drawings of their lives. In contrast to personal records of military feats which had dominated earlier Ledger Art, drawings from Fort Marion frequently depict memories of recent events, such as the prisoners standing from Ft. Sill depicted here. With these drawings, warriors such as Nokkoist (Bear's Heart, 1851-1882) showcased their artistic skills and made a small income from sales to the military men and local tourist community with whom they interacted on a daily basis.
ARTnews lists Donald Ellis Gallery’s presentation of historical Native American art as one of the seven best booths at TEFAF New York Spring 2022